Cool down!
Air- conditioned rooms are great option but sometimes a fan is all you need on summer hot day. Our handy fan is made of light materials and it perfectly fits into every bag. When there is hot outside, air-conditioning at the office isn’t working, open windows in your car are not enough, you can take a breath and fan yourself!
When it’s boiling hot outside our first thought is: “Uff, I would like to have something to cool me down”. And here our fan comes to the rescue. You take it out of your bag, backpack or drawer. 1,2,3 and.. you can breath a sigh of relief!
Our bamboo fan is a perfect summer gadget. Do you want to help your trading partners and clients? A pen cannot cool them down. Surprise them and give them something really useful this summer!
This gadget is printed in full colour and thanks to it your logo will be easily visible. There is no more useful and practical summer gadget than a bamboo fan!